3 Tips to Start Meditating Without Feeling Like a Weirdo
For anyone, trying something new can be intimidating.
You may feel like you're being judged by others, embarrassed or even like a fraud. This can develop from fear of change, failure and not being good enough…aka human nature. Also, if you're going to try something that's not only new, but "out there" as well, it can feel just plain weird.
Meditation can be one of those very new and out there practices.
How do you do it? Do I have to chant? Is yoga involved? Do I have to be spiritual to start? Is there going to be some weird guy singing to me in a white sweat suit?
For a meditation rookie, all of these questions and concerns can come up and give you some seriously high anxiety.
I know lots of friends that have never tried meditating because they are too intimidated. They feel too weird and are too scared. They refer back to the age-old line of “it’s just not for me.”
“Trying something for the first time can feel just plain weird.”
As a Wellness Rookie, I tend to have a little different opinion on trying something new. I feel like you should never be too scared or too intimidated to do anything. We’re all human beings. We have to realize that it's okay to be scared and that being a beginner is totally normal. By adopting a beginner’s mindset, you can become more comfortable with the unknown.
Say you finally try meditating and find that you really don't enjoy it. Great! Now you know that it's just not for you. I encourage you to move on and try something else. When you are committed to continuous learning, it opens your eyes to new perspectives and ideas.
What are the benefits of meditating?
Even though meditating can get quite a bad rap in the “normal community”, it can provide some amazing benefits to one’s health and well-being.
For starters, meditating can help you relax by allowing you to quiet your mind by tuning into your breath and body. It allows you to forget about things like your growing to-do list or the bad day you just had, and focus in on you; right here, right now.
It can also help with your every day stress levels by allowing you to become more mindful with how you react in certain situations. Say someone just cut you off on the interstate going 80 mph...
Before starting a meditation practice, you might have called that person every name in the book and let it piss you off for hours. After starting a meditation practice, you can easily recognize the situation, realize that everything and everyone will be just fine, and move on. Simple as that.
And the best part about meditating in my opinion? It can also help with your workouts. As you become more aware of your breath and your body, you can tune into things like your form on certain exercises, your breathing patterns for powering through a tough session, and realizing when your body needs a little r&r.
So how do you start meditating without all of the hippie-dippie shit?
Don’t get me wrong, if you’re into that sort of thing, by all means, please do it. Do it wholeheartedly and don’t let anyone dim your light, because that is you and that is your power.
But, for the rest of us who kind of like being normal and low-key, I’ve come up with 3 tips to start meditating without feeling like a total weirdo.
1. Read Up
If you’re like me, then you like to research things before you dive in headfirst. I’m like that with anything; restaurants, workout instructors, online shopping (it’s about options right?), etc. So if you’re extra cautious about meditating, I suggest doing a little reading and research before you begin. Some of my favorite books and resources are 10% Happier by Dan Harris (he also has a podcast here) and the app called Headspace. Both of which are great at walking you through the basics and what meditation actually is.
2. Start By Yourself
You don’t need a group of Buddhist Monks to start meditating. All you need is you and your breath. An easy way to start meditating is to do it right when you wake up or right when you go to sleep.
Start by laying in a comfortable position and closing your eyes. Then, just start to breathe. Inhale for a count of 3. Pause. Then, exhale for another count of 3. Pause. Repeat this process for about 4 or 5 more cycles, focusing in on only your breath.
The key thing to remember when meditating is that it’s totally okay (and totally normal) if your train of thought goes elsewhere. Just recognize the thoughts that are entering your mind at that moment and quietly invite them to leave as you focus back in on your breath. There is no right or wrong way to begin meditating.
3. Practice Patience
Successful meditation doesn’t happen overnight. I remember when I first started meditating I was so set on what I should be thinking about rather than what I was thinking about. I would go through a couple rounds of breathe and then, like clockwork, a random Cass thought would pop into my brain.
Summer's coming. I should have bought that dress that I saw last week. I still want that dress. Would the store still have it if I went back tomorrow? Could I find it online? Dang, it would be perfect to wear to that party that's coming up in a couple of months. Wait, who do you think will be at that party? What kind of snacks will they have? And the thoughts went on...
Then, all of a sudden, I would remember that I was supposed to be focusing on nothing but my breath and I would get soooo mad at myself. “Damnit, Cass….Stop thinking!”
It wasn’t until I had this happen to me more times than I could count that I really started to figure out what mediation was actually meant for. It was about tuning into you, your breath, and even those thoughts that would randomly pop in, and allowing yourself to just recognize them and not react to them. Let them be, envelope yourself in all the emotions present, and then kindly invite them away.
Starting meditation isn't easy, but it really isn't that hard. The fun part is in figuring out the process and actually learning a lot about yourself along the way. If you follow these 3 tips to start meditating, I promise that it won’t be weird.
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Ever tried meditating before? Have any tips for beginners? Let me know in the comments below!
XO, Cass