8 Reasons Why My Mom Is Cooler Than Yours

With Mother's Day right around the corner, I started thinking of different blog ideas I could do for this loving holiday. Things like "what brunch to make for Mother's Day" or "things to buy your mom other than flowers" were a few of my ideas...creative, I know.

All of these ideas are great, but when I started to think of the relationship my own mom and I share, I started to realize that these ideas were completely useless. What would she really be interested in on Mother's Day? What makes Mother's Day so special for her?

Well, I can tell you it wasn't any of those things.

mothers day appreciation

Just to give you the rundown on my mom, she isn't really your "average mom". She doesn't drive a soccer van, she doesn't organize family reunions, she doesn't bake cookies just because, she doesn't spend her free time perusing Facebook, and she most certainly doesn't lead an average lifestyle.

The more I thought about my mom, the more I thought about how rad she truly is. If you've ever had the pleasure of getting to know my mom, you'd know exactly why. 

That's when I decided to share this real and to-the-point post, showing TWR readers how badass my mom is. I also wanted to show my mom how highly I think of her, by revealing how she has shaped me in each and every aspect of my life, with 8 simple, but powerful reasons.

So thanks, mom, for being the coolest. Ever.

1. She listens to Led Zeppelin.

Led Zeppelin is one of her all-time favorite artists. Whenever a Zeppelin song comes on the radio, you bet she is singing every word and busting out some serious moves with it. She opened my eyes to authentic, good music at a very young age with her love for LZ.

So thank you, mom, for making music a part of my soul.

2. She likes chips and salsa just as much (if not more) than me.

Without her, I wouldn't have found my lifelong PIC. She taught me to make the best salsa in the world at the age of probably 8 years old. And the best part? Whenever I come home, I know for sure that chips and salsa will always be available.

So thank you, mom, for fueling my addiction.

3. She owns, operates and runs her own business.

My mom and dad bought a steakhouse and bar, which is actually for sale (shameless plug), when I was 2 years old on a whim after moving to Montana. They both worked the business; bartending, cooking, running music festivals, marketing, you name it. And after my dad passed away a few years ago, she ran the entire business all on her own. She had no choice. But she did it, she's still doing it, with complete and utter consistency from the inside out.

So thank you, mom, for fueling my entrepreneurial spirit.

4. She gets younger with age.

If anyone of you know my mom, you know what I'm talking about when I say that. I seriously get asked on a regular basis if she's my sister as well as witnessed countless attempts of bartenders trying to bust an "underage drinker." She moves her body, takes care of herself and values quality ingredients, and it definitely shows.

So thank you, mom, for setting the bar high and sharing the (really) good genes.

mothers day post

5. She entertains each and every one of my wild ideas.

Whenever I get a new idea or start a project on a whim, I always, always, always tell my mom. And each and every time I tell her and wait for her reaction, I think all I'm going to get it is "Cass, are you sure that's a good idea?" or "Cass, c'mon. Let's be real here." But, not to my surprise, each and every time she responds with hope and enthusiasm. 

So thank you, mom, for making me feel like I'm definitely not crazy.

6. She listens to music louder than me.

So back to the Led Zeppelin thing, whenever I get into my mom's car and turn on the radio, 9 times out of 10 the speakers blow out an eardrum or two. And each and every time, I have no idea why I'm so surprised.

So thank you, mom, for showing me how to get down.

7. She lets me steal her Netflix.

Yup. I'm still that daughter. She lets me use her Netflix, HBO, Showtime, cellphone data, and soon-to-be Spotify account (shhh, she doesn't know this yet). All of these little things are actually truly helpful for me right now with my financial situation. 

So thank you, mom, for helping me afford rent.

8. She's defined the meaning of perseverance.

These past few years have been anything but easy. Losing a loved one, running a business, managing employees, paying the bills, making time for family and friends, shit, even cleaning the house...all of these things add up to some seriously stressful situations. But watching my mom go through each and every one with her head held high and ready to work, has truly been one of the most amazing things to witness.

mothers day

So thank you, mom, for giving me every ounce of hope for what's to come.


Thanks for reading <3
