7 Swaps to Start Feeling Healthy AF

Food is intimidating.

Ingredient lists are a mile long, terms like gluten-free and low fat flood the aisles, shakes and snack bars promise weight-loss, and sneaky packaging can even make a chocolate cake look healthy. Nothing is as it seems anymore.

With so many “health” products out there, people don’t seem to know what’s healthy and what’s not. Which is scary…like really, really scary, because health is so much more than the latest trend.

Your health affects everything; from the quality of life you have to how you sleep at night, to the mindset you put forth each and every day. Health is essentially your happiness, which is directly related to the foods you eat. The sad part is that, on a daily basis, most people don’t consume enough “happy foods.”


Now, what do I mean when I say “happy foods?”

Happy foods are, in the most basic of terms, authentic foods; nutritionally dense meals made up of real ingredients and whole foods that are both satisfying to your physical and mental well being. In other words, they are what make your body, mind and spirit happy.

So how do you start getting happiness from your food?

The best way to start incorporating happy foods into your diet is simply to swap out what you are currently eating with something a bit better (okay…a lot better). Trust me, it’s much easier to replace something than to eliminate it when it comes to your diet. So I’m giving you the seven healthy swaps I swear by to start incorporating into your daily routine.

Get ready to start feeling healthier and happier with these simple fixes. That’s a promise, babes.

The Culprit: Salt

The Swap: Himalayan Pink Salt

Salt is vital to human health and bodily functions. It’s made up of many minerals and electrolytes that control your body’s fluid levels, cardiovascular functions and nervous system regulation. Without it, you can develop a number of health issues. The same goes for too much of it. Finding the right balance of salt in your diet differs for everyone, but the problem lies in what type of salt people are consuming. Choosing real sea salts (like Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt) are far better than choosing table salt because of the mineral content. Salt is good for you, as long as you're doing the salting. The best way to use Himalayan Pink Salt is with, well…everything!


The Culprit: Sugar

The Swap: Raw Honey, Pure Maple Syrup or Coconut Sugar

No matter what sweetener you are using, all sugar acts similar in the body by raising your blood sugar levels. The healthiest way to go when turning to sweets is choosing all-natural sweeteners that don’t raise your blood sugar levels as bad as the others, like raw honey, pure maple syrup (grade B) and coconut sugar. These options also give your body more vitamins and minerals compared to their processed sugar counterpart. My favorite way to swap sugar is in my morning coffee.

         The Culprit: Ice Cream

The Swap: Frozen Bananas

This is the best creation any human being has ever made. All you have to do is grab 1 or 2 frozen (and peeled) bananas and blend them in a high-speed blender with a little almond milk. The texture comes out smoother and creamier than regular ice cream.... and it tastes better too! My favorite way to make Banana N’ice Cream is to add peanut butter and sea salt to the mix.

         The Culprit: Mayo

         The Swap: Avocado

With its buttery and rich profile, avocado is a great substitute for mayo in almost any recipe that requires a creaminess in flavor and texture. You will also get a mega-dose of healthy fats, which you all know how obsessed I am over.  This swap will help lower inflammation in your body and keep you feeling satisfied for longer. My favorite way to use this swap is in tuna salad or deviled eggs.


The Culprit: Cocoa Powder

The Swap: Cacao Powder

A lot of people when they read that line will probably read it over and over again thinking I made a spelling mistake, but don’t worry, guys. This time my “grammar error” was intentional because there is a HUGE difference between cOcOa powder and cAcAo powder. Cocoa powder has a very low level of actual chocolate as it’s processed with added sugar and sweeteners. Cacao powder is 100% real chocolate which contains a higher level of minerals like magnesium and vitamins like B and E. I like to swap out cocoa powder with cacao in any recipe that requires chocolate, especially in some almond butter smoothies. Cue the salivating...

          The Culprit: Rice

The Swap: Cauliflower

Besides its fiber content and quick-energy release, rice has very low nutritional value. Rice is a part of the grain family, and although it’s one of the safer ones for people to digest, it’s definitely not the healthiest option when searching for a quick carbohydrate. It acts similar to bread in your body when digested as it raises your blood sugar and causes a fluctuation in your energy and hormone levels. That’s when cauliflower comes into play. This vegetable takes your nutrition to the next step by giving you more fiber, protein and Vitamin C than grains. Use cauliflower in place of rice in your stir-fry’s or burrito bowls.

         The Culprit: Milk

The Swap: Anything But…

Some people can tolerate dairy. Some people can’t. But I believe people should avoid dairy products altogether because they aren’t what they used to be. Back when people were consuming milk products in their homemade, raw form, dairy had an extremely high nutritional content because it still had the digestive enzymes needed for proper consumption. Today, these same products are so over processed and stripped of any digestive properties they once had. Dairy has also been proven to mess with your hormone levels and cause things to get way out of whack because of what the cows are treated with. It's also not even a good source of calcium....the media lied again, folks. 

When it comes to dairy, why consume something meant to make baby cows turn into older, bigger, fatter cows? I mean, we even stop consuming our own mother’s milk for a reason. In order to fix that dairy addiction, try stepping outside your comfort zone and choosing non-dairy options like coconut milk, almond milk or cashew cheese. Your skin, energy, digestion, waistline and overall health will thank you.

Food shouldn’t have to be intimidating. It should be nourishing, wholesome and make you feel happy. My goal with this blog is never to tell you that you can’t have something. That makes you want it even more. I believe we, as human beings, should eat everything. The goal here is to show you what’s actually healthy and what’s actually not by adding in the good so you’ll eventually crowd out the bad.

These seven simple food swaps will have you feeling healthy and happy AF. 

XO, Cass