My Experience Taking CBD

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, nor a CBD expert. The goal of this post is to share some light information about CBD and my personal experience with it. I did my best research and fact-checking for accuracy.  Please consult your doctor before starting a CBD regime.

me personal experience taking CBD and the benefits I saw from using CBD oil

Believe it or not, I first heard about CBD oil after my mom started using it for the arthritis she was getting in her hands. This was almost two years ago and back then, I was hesitant to try it.  

A year later, our family dog took some because he was freaking out about some nearby fireworks. Still, after both my mom and dog were taking it, I was hesitant to give it a go.

Was I going to get high?
Is it legal in Montana?
Does it even work?

These were the questions that popped into my mind and had me too intimidated to give it a go. CBD was still new to me, as I hadn’t put the time and effort into doing any research.

So what exactly is CBD?

According to Plant People, Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many non-psychoactive, chemical compounds found in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. CBD interacts with our vast network of cell receptors and molecules that regulate the function of our cells, tissues, glands and organs. When taken, it supports our body’s ability to respond to internal and external stressors, such as pain, anxiety, stress, inflammation, and nausea.

In other words, CBD is healing, not a high.

Even though I heard about CBD for years, I never really knew exactly what it was. It wasn’t until this past summer when a brand reached out about collaborating on a new product launch – and it just so happened to be a CBD product.

Then, I saw one of my favorite bloggers start taking CBD and it continued to peak my interest.

And the cherry on top? I saw that one of my favorite local shops Spruce & Honey carried a few CBD product lines, including Plant People and Mender.

Spruce & Honey is an organic apothecary and waxing parlor located in Bozeman, Montana. I’ve come to know the owner Keely well over the past 8 years after she completely changed my eyebrow game (seriously though)…check out my blog post about making a wax suck less with Spruce & Honey!

So every time I was in for a wax, I would chat with Keely about the products she was carrying, the research to back it, and what they were useful for. It seemed the list of benefits was long, so I finally decided to give it a go.

Why I started using CBD?

The cool thing about CBD is that it’s not just a one trick pony. It has many healing properties and health benefits. But, the three things I started using CBD for were stress, anxiety, and muscle pain…and most recently, TMJ issues.

1. Stress + Anxiety

All my life I’ve dealt with stress induced anxiety. And after losing my dad, it just got worse. These past couple years, I’ve definitely gotten better at managing my emotional health, but every once in a while it creeps back in like a hurricane. I needed something that would provide some relief.

2. Muscle Pain

This year, I really decided to prioritize my workouts. I’ve been getting after it this year with more sweat dates and group classes than I ever have, and it’s shown in the form of sore AF muscles. I wanted something that would provide some relief that wasn’t an ice bath or a foam roller.

3. TMJ

This has been a new thing for me. My jaw has been giving me issues for the past couple of weeks, making it hard to eat, sleep, and function on a regular basis. It’s definitely stress and anxiety induced, so I needed something to tackle the source.

CBD products I use:

It’s in my nature to experiment with “new” health and fitness finds, so I’ve definitely tried a few CBD products I love (and I’ve definitely tried some I don’t). I wanted to share a few products I’ve been diggin’ lately in case they spark an interest in you.

Mender Youth Serum
Local: Spruce & Honey
Use: Anti-aging, Dull Skin, Nighttime Moisturizer

Plant People Calm Capsules
Local: Spruce & Honey
Use: Anxiety and Stress Maintenance

Blue Ridge CBD Roller
Local: Get a CBD massage from Complete Body Works
Use: Sore Muscles, specifically TMJ and Traps

Plant People CBD Drops
Local: Spruce & Honey
Use: Instant Relief of Stress

Again, CBD is new to me, as I’ve only been making it a part of my routine for the past few months. For the most part, I’ve had nothing but positive results from using CBD products; my stress is down, my jaw is feeling better, and it provides instant relief for some seriously sore muscles.

So if you’re curious about trying a CBD regime yourself, do your research, consult with your physician, and don’t be afraid to give it a go. The results may just surprise you!

xo, Cass

P.S. Show this post to Keely at Spruce & Honey and receive 15% off your retail purchase through December 14th, 2018! Thanks, Keely!